
Dragon Clip (Limited Rathalos Edition)

US$ 420.00

We’re very proud to release these very rare clips which can not be found in the world. We spend plenty of time to research leathers and give all the collectors the best quality of leather clips. It’s for celebrating the first anniversary Taiwanese custom Porper Clip.

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It’s for celebrating the first anniversary Taiwanese custom Porper Clip. Chen Yang-Pei, a master Handcraft, made these leather clips which cover the original black flat Porper Clips made in USA by Joe Porper. We spend plenty of time to research leathers and give all the collectors the best quality of leather clips. You’re so lucky to have one by your own!

Original Flat Black Clips are made in USA by Joe Porper.
Leather hand made by Taiwanese master handcraft: Chen Yang-Pei.
Special limited artwork edition (Diamond-Heart version) engraved inside the clips.

No two Dragon Clips are the same.
Designed to hold 52 playing cards inside their case.
This time we only these 2 clips can be sold. We don’t have any leathers can be manufactured again, it’s very rare. Thank you for supporting artists and our works. Whether you buy one or not, have an awesome day!

Special Thanks River Tsai and Kete Moon provide their photos for us!!



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